1 I don't know how I found your site, but I'm grateful. I'm a nurse that has been working in a critical care unit during this long pandemic. I have been stressed and heading to a dark place. I'm journaling, meditating, and documenting why I am grateful daily. Thank you for what you do. This is saving me mentally.
2 I love T2M! The continuous encouragement and positive messages sent to me daily serve as a great reminder to dedicate time to ensure that I make my days, and others' days, better. The additional services, such as meditations and journaling options, are fantastic additions as well!
3 I am grateful for discovering the Take 2 Minutes app! I have found that engaging in simple activities that it has helped me change my perspective on things.
4 I am grateful that you are helping me with a positive response and meditation.
5 Thank you so much for the gratitude challenge. You will never believe how timely it was for me and how it made me focus on the good and not bad. Through some bad news I honestly had to fight and make myself complete the gratitude text each morning but I did! And it always made me feel better. I would really love it if it was a continuous thing. Thank you again from the bottom of my heart.
6 The gratitude challenge was a wonderful experience. The suggested topics made me think and were deeply meaningful to me. The process fostered recognition of some joyful obvious I had been missing. Thank you!
7 Keep it up! You're doing an awesome job and positively impacting a lot of people - probably in ways we don't even know.
8 I enjoy the text-based system that Take2Minutes uses. It's a more reliable reminder than if it were an app on my phone I had to remember to check in every day with or even if they gave me a notification. I feel like since it's a text, even if I wipe away the notification it's still there when I open my messages app. It's not like a regular app notification where I swipe it away and it's gone forever and I forget about it.
9 I am loving your app. Thank you for the hard work in putting this together. I am on day 6 and find that being reminded to be grateful each day for what I have and for what I experience each day is steering me away from negative thoughts.
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Disclaimer: Take 2 Minutes, (T2M) does not provide medical advice, psychiatric diagnosis, or treatment. This website should not be used as a replacement for medical advice from a licensed clinician. All third-party trademarks, service marks, logos, and domain names appearing on this web page are properties of their respective owners and none of these companies endorse, sponsor, or are in any way affiliated with T2M. See our full disclaimer here.
2025 Take 2 Minutes
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